Client SMA Projects
The site of the former Yorkshire Brewery in Collingwood has had a chequered history since the maltings ceased operations there in the late 1980s. Several attempts to find a viable new use came to nothing. However, with the support of Lovell Chen, a development formula was found that balances the heritage adaptation aspects with financial viability and planning authority requirements.
As part of the site’s development as a mixed-use (mainly residential) precinct, designed by Hayball, the most notable brewery structure, its seven-storey polychrome brick brew tower, has undergone major conservation works under our direction. We also developed an interpretation plan for the whole site and implemented the interpretation installations.
The tower dates from 1867 and its fabric had been subjected to many interventions and penetrations. The north elevation was a particular challenge as hard plaster had been applied to the brickwork up to third floor level. Our solution was to dismantle the face brickwork, turn the bricks and re-place them. Other exterior works included reinstatement of the mansard roof leadwork and repair of the decorative ironwork at roof level. The timber sashes of the original wall openings have been restored, and a clear distinction made between these and new penetrations by Hayball.
Inside, redundant structures have been removed and new slabs laid, providing structural integrity for the tower and code compliance for earthquakes. Bridges join the tower to adjacent new residential buildings, and these are also used for services access, minimising the need for further openings and vertical risers.
Lovell Chen prepared a conservation management plan for the former Yorkshire Brewery in 2011. Our heritage consultants assisted with the project’s planning appeal, and for the new development our conservation specialists undertook surveying and documentation supporting the restoration and adaptation works.
Heritage data
brew tower constructed 1867
victorian heritage register H 0807
photos : Andrew Latreille
construction photos : Peter Glenane
full list : see REPORTS INDEX
Yorkshire Brewery, Collingwood: conservation management plan
Yorkshire Brewery, Collingwood: conservation management plan, revised 2003
Goulding Heritage Consulting / SEPTEMBER 2003 : CONSERVATION MANAGEMENT PLAN
Yorkshire Brewery, Collingwood: conservation management plan
Allom Lovell & Associates / JUNE 2001 : CONSERVATION MANAGEMENT PLAN
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