Our highly experienced team delivers rigorously researched documents that include a detailed description of the heritage place, an assessment of its heritage significance, and practical guidance and recommendations on conservation and management. We ensure that statutory requirements are met, including compliance with any relevant heritage authority guidelines, and we evaluate for all relevant values, including social value.
At state and local levels, CMPs are usually prepared for heritage places before the undertaking of major works or development. One may also be required as part of a permit application process. For significant heritage properties, statutory authorities such as Heritage Victoria encourage the preparation of a management plan.
Our heritage management planning service includes:
— Identification of relevant heritage controls and the statutory heritage context
— Preparation of a contextural history based on research and analysis
— A physical survey focusing on the identification of original fabric and elements, and where they have been modified
— Assessment of heritage significance based on comparative analysis
— An overview of the statutory obligations of owners and managers, and practical guidance on how to meet these obligations
— Development of conservation policies, guidelines and strategies that address practical management requirements and operational and functional needs
— Development of an implementation strategy
We prepare CMPs and HMPs for heritage projects and places in a wide range of sectors, including the government, civic, commercial, education, arts, residential, sports, defence, transport and industrial sectors.
Individual plans have included private residential buildings, civic buildings such as town halls and post offices, major industrial complexes, maritime structures and docklands, institutions and government buildings, landscapes and parks, sports grounds, aerodromes, high rise commercial buildings, university buildings, structures associated with convict history, railway structures, and precincts and towns.