Lovell Chen has been working on projects relating to the legendary Melbourne Cricket Ground since 2000, when we completed a conservation management plan for the complex. In 2006, we undertook the writing of an architectural history of the ground since its establishment in 1853 — using the research done in 2000, as well as providing new material.
Architecture at the MCG: A History focuses on the story of key grandstand buildings, providing an architectural narrative to complement the many published accounts of the ground’s history from social, sporting, political and cultural perspectives. The significant structures at the ground include the 1928 Members Pavilion, 1956 Northern Stand, 1968 Western Stand and 1992 Great Southern Stand.
The study includes a selected history of events that have shaped the physical form of the MCG, including the shape of the oval and its gradual enclosure. A detailed architectural and engineering account is provided for each of the main buildings, plus a pictorial chronology. Other sections include a brief analysis of stadium typology, information about the relevant architects and engineers, and a bibliography.
Other related projects include a conservation management plan for the MCG, a heritage study for Melbourne and Olympic parks, a heritage impact statement for Yarra Park’s new water recycling facility and a heritage management plan for Yarra Park.
Heritage data
constructed begun 1863
national heritage listed
victorian heritage register H 1928
headline photo : 1928 aerial, courtesy Melbourne Cricket Club
first slider photo : 1878 view, the first Members Pavilion and the Reversible Stand (1876), courtesy State Library of Victoria
second : the MCG family tree, Lovell Chen
third : the Southern Stand (1937), courtesy Purnell Collection, Melbourne University Archives
fourth : 1956 view of the Northern Stand (1956) exterior, courtesy State Library of Victoria
fifth : the Great Southern Stand (1992) viewed form the Northern Stand, courtesy Jackson Architecture
sixth : perspective sketch, courtesy Jackson Architecture
full list : see REPORTS INDEX
Melbourne Cricket Ground Redevelopment: Final Feasibility Report
MCG Redevelopment Feasibility Study Team / AUGUST 2002 : FEASIBILITY STUDY
Melbourne Cricket Ground, Yarra Park: Heritage Issues Report
Allom Lovell & Associates, Bryce Raworth / AUGUST 2001 : HERITAGE ASSESSMENT
Melbourne Cricket Ground, Jolimont: Conservation Management Plan