Client Australia Post
In January 2004, the Australian Government’s Environment Protection & Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 was amended to introduce a register of heritage properties owned or controlled by Australian Governement agencies and departments. Under the legislation, agencies such as Australia Post are required to have a heritage strategy to guide them in the management of properties on the Commonwealth Heritage List.
Lovell Chen prepared the heritage strategy, updating it three years later, and continues to advise Australia Post on its wider heritage obligations under the legislation, including advice on works proposals, the divestment of heritage properties and works approvals under the EPBC Act.
We undertook a nation-wide survey of Australia Post properties — the agency owns more than 520 (and leases many more — reviewing and assessing each to determine which have heritage value and should be nominated for inclusion on the Commonwealth Heritage List. More than 50 heritage places went forward for nomination.
Australia Post properties serve postal distribution and sales, administrative and retail purposes. They include buildings from all periods of Australia’s history, buildings of all sizes — from grand 19th century GPOs to modest post offcies in small towns — and buildings in many different streetscapes and settings.
photos : Lovell Chen
full list : see REPORTS INDEX
Assessment of Australia Post (Leased) Heritage Properties: Methodology Report, Summary of Findings & Leased Property Citations
Heritage Strategy: Australia Post heritage places
Australia Post / JANUARY 2006 : HERITAGE STUDY
Australia Post historic properties national study
Australian Construction Services / JUNE 1996 : HERITAGE STUDY